The TERA-GACC2024 will be held on the scenic campus of National Sun Yat-sen University (NSYSU), a seashore university located at the second largest city of Taiwan--Kaohsiung City.
高雄市Kaohsiung City
Kaohsiung is Taiwan’s second-largest city and the undisputed hub of commerce and transportation in southern Taiwan. As the world‘s sixth largest cargo-container seaport, Kaohsiung is also known as the Harbor Capital of Taiwan. Its year-round fine weather, low cost of living, hospitality and diverse tourist attractions makes Kaohsiung a favorite destination for visitors to Taiwan.
國立中山大學National Sun Yat-sen University (NSYSU)
In the 1970s, Taiwan's economic development took off, and society's attention to higher education increased day by day. At that time, all well-known universities were located in northern Taiwan, and there was not a single national university in the Kaohsiung-Pingtung area of southern Taiwan. To balance the development of education between the north and the south, the government decided to establish a comprehensive university in the south and named it "National Sun Yat-sen University" in honor of Dr. Sun Yat-sen, the founder of the Republic of China. Enrollment began in the fall of 1980. To further commemorate Dr. Sun Yat-sen's achievements, the Ministry of Education granted the request to date Dr. Sun Yat-sen's birthday of November 12th as the anniversary of the University.
Dr. Huan LI, the first president, laid a solid foundation that paved the way for the University to grow. Under the leadership of his successors, Dr. Chin-Chi CHAO, Dr. Chi-Yuan LIN, Dr. Victor Wei-Chi LIU, Dr. Chung-Cheng CHANG, Dr. Hung-Duen YANG, and the current President Dr. Ying-Yao CHENG, the University has continued to thrive and become one of the best universities in the country.
NSYSU is comprised of seven colleges: Liberal Arts, Science, Engineering, Management, Marine Sciences, Social Sciences, and Si-Wan. The university places equal emphasis on both teaching and research of Humanities, Sciences, and Engineering. Since 2006, NSYSU has received additional funding from the Ministry of Education (MOE) through the "Aim for the Top University Plan" and "Higher Education Sprout Project" to enhance teaching and research. Outstanding academic achievements exhibited by many departments have landed NSYSU among the world's top universities in many academic rankings.
The NSYSU campus uniquely situates at the crossing of hills and sea, adjacent to the Kaohsiung Harbor. The geography prompts our feature advancements in marine science research, which heeds to Kaohsiung's aspiration to develop into an Ocean Capital, as we become the leading academic institution of marine sciences in Taiwan. The university encourages interdisciplinary collaboration between oceanographic studies and other academic fields to stimulate new ideas and research directions. NSYSU is ranked in the top 200 by ESI in the areas of engineering, mathematics, and information engineering, and we are also highly competitive in the fields of communications engineering, electronic commerce, materials science, and optoelectronics.
NSYSU has sister-university agreements with over 250 universities from more than 40 countries around the world. Within these partnerships, we engage in student exchange, dual degree programs, joint supervision, research collaborations, and joint symposiums. We dedicate to create an internationalized campus where over 1,200 international students come to NSYSU for degree programs, exchange programs, research fellowships, or language learning. The vast array of activities provides ample opportunities for domestic students and international students to interact and bridge their understanding of different cultures.
The TERA2022 will be held on the scenic campus of NSYSU, a seashore university overlooking the Hsitsu Bay and surrounded by lush mountains. Near and within the campus there are several historic relics, tourist attractions and precious wildlife species which make NSYSU a unique conference site.
How to reach NSYSU
公車 🚌
若需自學校搭乘公車至機場,可搭乘248路公車至高雄車站轉乘機場幹線或301路公車; 亦可搭乘50路公車至中山路口轉乘機場幹線或301路公車至機場。
高雄捷運 🚈
轉乘公車橘1,至本校行政大樓下車。 (每30分鐘一班車, 橘1時刻表)
台灣高鐵 🚄
註 : 高鐵左營站可連接高雄捷運,搭乘高雄捷運紅線至美麗島站,轉橘線至西子灣站,在2號出口站前搭乘接駁公車「橘1」即可到達中山大學。
鐵路 🚊
高雄車站位於中山一路與建國二路之交叉點,地址為 高雄市三民區建國二路318號,服務電話:07-2371507 ( 服務時間:06:00~24:00)。
註 : 到達後可至火車站前的公車站搭乘248或50號公車即可到達中山大學隧道口。
大眾運輸 🚍
高雄車站週邊有多家客運業者提供客運服務,路線遍及各縣市。 路線及票價查詢:
註 : 客運之終點站往往在高雄火車站或其鄰近地區,到達後可至火車站前的公車站搭乘248或50號公車即可到達學校隧道口。
自行開車 🚗
航空 🛫
註 : 至機場後可搭乘301號公車至火車站前,轉換248及50號公車至中山大學。
海運 🚢